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信息标题: 蓝海教育为您提供最好的留学后服务
信息类别: 美国留学→ 留学服务→ 服务
发布时间: 2016-10-25 04:55:15
点击量: 1434
地区: 加利福尼亚(加州)→ 旧金山→ 旧金山市(San Francisco)
联系人: 先生
详细信息: 关于蓝海教育:


About the company:

Blue Ocean Education, LLC is Guoyuan International Investment Group subsidiary company. With years of collecting students’/Universities data and doing professional research, our company was finally established on February 2015 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our company CEO Ms. Wang Lin-Lin was once an international student and she deeply understands the challenges and difficulties international student encounters. Inspired to help the majority of the Chinese students, she established this company to provide Chinese students with educational service, help successfully complete their education, learn native American culture, integrate into local social network, and upon graduation to find a satisfactory job in U.S or in China. Blue Ocean Education, LLC is the only company that deeply understands the real needs of the students and their parents.

Services: Academic Tracking Training Programs
Academic Consulting Study Tours
Academic Reports Legal Issues Consulting
Improving learning performances Résumé Coaching
Cultural Information guidance Reference Letters
Work experiences consulting Interview Coaching
Career job security Full-time job opportunities
Internship opportunities Studying Abroad Ambassadors

And other variety of services!!!!


China Information

Office: Rm1117, 11/F, Time Foretune Word Mansion, No.1 HangFeng Rd., Fengtai District, Beijing

Number: 010-58090828

United States Information:

Office: 6700 Koll Center Parkway Suit 119 Number: (925)523-3939
Pleasanton, CA 94566
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