大额贷款(Jumbo Loan),就是金额超过一定限额的贷款叫做大额贷款。该限额由每年房利美和房地美公布的金额为准。位于不同的郡(Country),Unit数量不同的房子,他们的限额也不同。在每年的12月份,房利美和房地美都会根据市场情况,来调整限额。
一般来说传统贷款(Conventional Loan),最后都会被卖到房利美和房地美,银行将收回成本,并找到下一家接盘。而大额贷款超过两房的限额,两房不接盘,大额贷款很难卖给其他买家,放款银行需要承担更大的风险,所以大额贷款的审核会比传统贷款更加严格。
AAA Lendings is a direct mortgage lender with over 20 years of lending experience. We have a group of experienced professionals providing services for home buyers and people with mortgage needs. We offer 100+ customized loan programs in conventional, FHA, VA, EZ qualified and foreigner nationalloans. We always put customer’s needs first and provide the best customized solution for each customer.