高薪招聘 Escrow Officer
Escrow Officer Class现在开始报名了! Model Escrow is the premier escrow company in the regions we serve, we are considered the leader in the Industry and our people are the very best professionals in their craft. Model Escrow is one of California’s fastest growing escrow companies. Great people build great companies, with over four decades of combined experience in the real estate industry - managed by one of the most elite Certified Senior Escrow Officers in the business. Our growth is due to incredible people that have aligned themselves with us. By aligning yourself with a premiere escrow company, you will join the ranks of the best and brightest in the escrow industry. 因业务需要急聘以下专业人员: Escrow Officer 要求: 可报税,中英文熟练; 有Escrow 丶贷款丶房地产相关专业学历或者工作经验,我们会优先考虑。 底薪+高额提成(多劳多得) 我们有30多年经验的ESCROW 专业讲师为您授课,只需要5个星期的课程,通过考核,颁发专业Certificate,Model Escrow 优先录取!机会难得! 咨询电话:562-222-1466 Email:goodlifegeek@gmail.com 谢谢
因公司业务需要,高薪招聘移民顾问,公司可培训 !
公司简介: 大都会地产集团是一家从事海外投资移民的公司,在投资移民方面具备业界领先优势,目前有多个事业项目在做,现诚邀有梦想丶有激情的精英加入,业绩优秀者年收入百万年薪不是梦想! 岗位职责: (1)丶主动与目标客户交流,解答客户关于海外投资移民的各种问题,展现高效丶专业的职业形象; (2)丶积极配合丶参与公司组织的各类高端活动,如海外投资宣讲等; (3)丶配合公司发展规划,协助公司项目的顺利进行。 经验要求: 1)丶形象气质佳 2)丶市场意识强,有良好的沟通与客户理解能力; (3)丶具备良好的客户服务意识; (4)丶有工作热情和责任心。 有SALES经验的会优先考虑,培训过后我们会择优录取为公司的正式员工! 请将您的简历发送到: Email:goodlifegeek@gmail.com 谢谢