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洛杉矶 Los Angeles切换到其他城市
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信息标题: Finding a re-let!
信息类别: 租房信息→ 公寓→ 长租
租金: $974 /月
房屋户型: 4室 1厅 4卫
面积: 1467 平方英尺
出租方式: 单间出租
发布时间: 2020-05-18 01:50:44
点击量: 973
地区: 加利福尼亚(加州)→ 圣地亚哥→ 圣地亚哥(San Diego)
联系人: Ashley
详细信息: I am finding a re-let!
Need to share the kitchen and living room with three nice roommates (all girls).
Private bedroom, bathroom and balcony!

Apartment: Fifty Twenty-Five
Lease Term: Start Date: 08/01/2020, 10:00 AM End Date: 07/31/2021, 12:00 PM
Floor Plan: 4BR/4BA
Furnished: YES
In-Unit Washer and Dryer: YES
Balcony: YES
Utilities Included: Gas, Water, Electricity, Heat, Trash Removal, Sewer, Air Conditioning

Amenities: (I just list some of them)
1. Free Shuttle Service to Campus
2. Free Fitness Center
3. Free Coffee Bar
4. Maintenance On Site
5. Community-Wide Wi-Fi
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