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洛杉矶 Los Angeles切换到其他城市
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信息标题: home to rent $2000/mount
信息类别: 租房信息→ 住宅→ 长租
租金: $2000 /月
房屋户型: 4室 3厅 3卫
面积: 2330 平方英尺
出租方式: 整套出租
发布时间: 2023-05-15 00:55:54
点击量: 1002
地区: 加利福尼亚(加州)→ 洛杉矶→ SBC库卡蒙格牧场(Rancho Cucamonga)
联系人: r先生
联系人电话: 9174105433
详细信息: CONNERSTONE is located in a secure gated community, with a community pool, SPA, clubhouse, children’s activity park and gardens. Great school district, convenient transportation, close to Victoria Park, Ontario Mills Shopping Center, COSTCO, and other stores. New stainless steel kitchen and refrigerator, solar powered. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms upstairs, 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom downstairs. call: 917-410-5433
照片: SBC库卡蒙格牧场home to rent $2000/mount
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