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信息标题: Palo Alto 豪华全新装修公寓上市
信息类别: 售房信息→ 公寓→ 出售
售价: $114 万元
房屋户型: 2室 1厅 2卫
面积: 1400 平方英尺
单价: 814 元/平方英尺
发布时间: 2016-09-15 01:38:42
点击量: 1380
地区: 加利福尼亚(加州)→ 旧金山→ 旧金山市(San Francisco)
联系人: 先生
详细信息: Welcome to my new listing!!
各位朋友,我有一个新房源上市,社区位于Palo Alto,念的是Los Altos好学区。全新装修的开放式空间丶大面窗&落地窗,采光极佳丶超大主卧,坐在客厅看的就是一面绿景,远眺社区泳池,而主卧丶客厅直接延伸到一个半开放式的大阳台,可放户外家具供发呆休憩,或是居家BBQ都很方便,欢迎你来Open house参观。看房请电408-505-3003 Maggie

地址 440 Cesano Ct #113 PALO ALTO, CA 94306
2B,2B, 1400SFT, asking price $1,149,800

Newly remodeled condominium located in a quiet neighborhood on the Los Altos and Palo Alto border. Close to downtown shopping and dining. Gourmet kitchen includes custom cabinetry, granite slab counters and stainless appliance. Spacious Living room & Dining area with sliding door leads to private patio area. Large Master Suite with Den and Walk-in closet. Master bath with dual vanities. Hardwood floor, Central air conditioning, Dual pane windows, 2 designated gated underground parking spaces. Interior Laundry. Excellent Los Altos Schools!!
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