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信息标题: Membrane Press machine
信息类别: 物品交易→ 其他物品→ 出售
价格: $1元
发布时间: 2019-09-04 09:12:24
点击量: 543
地区: 加利福尼亚(加州)→ 洛杉矶→ LA阿罕布拉(Alhambra)
联系人: Cindy Lee
联系人电话: 8615840529588
详细信息: TM3000P Vacuum Membrane Press with Automatic Pin System is ideal for a high production automated environment. The system is easy to use and requires very little maintenance. The press cycle is as follows:
1) Layup of parts onto tray with pins in upright position
2)Press the button to drop the parts that does not touch the pins
3) Pulling of vinyl over finished bed
4) Loading of press
5) Processing parts through the press cycle
6) Unloading of press
7) Turn over device removes parts from tray
8) Tray returns for new cycle
All of this is done with two rotating trays,the working period of ordinary workpiece is less than 2 minutes (results vary based on part configurations, and ambient conditions).
For more information on Shenyang Zhanhongtu machinery SmartPin ThermoLaminator with Automatic Pin System, please contact us today!
Shenyang Zhanhongtu Machinery & Equipment Co.,Ltd
照片: LA阿罕布拉Membrane Press machine
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