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信息标题: 茶杯贵宾犬- 幼隆名犬国际直送
信息类别: 物品交易→ 宠物相关→ 出售
价格: $4200元
发布时间: 2019-09-14 18:00:09
点击量: 856
地区: 宾夕法尼亚(宾州)→ 费城→ 费城(Philadelphia)
联系人: Angela
联系人电话: +886963110478
详细信息: Teddy mommy, the founder of You-Long Poodle Breeding Center.
Teddy mommy (Zhang Yin-Yin) is the backstage driving force of Taiwan Teddy Bear Teacup Poodle.
At YouLong Poodle Breeding Center, we provide wide color selections on Small Toy Poodles, Teacup Poodle Teddy Bears, Super Tiny Poodle Teddy Bears and the rarest poodle breed in the world, extremely petite in body size,
Pocket Teacup Poodle Teddy Bears; Color choices are as follows:
Red, Maple Red, Apricot, Camel, Black, Cream, Chocolate, Silver White, Silver Gray, and Mixed-Color (2 colors or more) and so on,
lovely Poodle Teddy Bears with all different colors.

Guaranteed sweet face, exquisitely fine look, big bright round eyes,
short muzzles, high tail’s position and a beautiful flat and straight backline with a great body ratio, straight legs, huge hair volume and a royal temperament of our Poodle Teddy Bears.
In addition to all the above features provided, YouLong also provides “100% adult size estimation guarantee” that you won’t get from regular dog kennels.
With over 30 years of professional experiences in breeding ONLY poodles, we have the Full Knowledge of their bloodline and therefore we are able to make precise estimation and gain total control on the outcome of their genetic changes.
All the Poodle Teddy Bears at You-Long Poodle Breeding Center are
bred and raised singlehandedly by Teddy Mommy, and we never cooperate with other breeders or kennels nor do we buy dogs from other kennels to resell to customers.
At our website :
all the puppy clothes were made by teddy mommy’s love, handmade, unique and quantum.
Teddy mommy is a Proper noun for love, warm and wish in Tainan Taiwan. In the future, we will provide more professional & diversification service, and our team will be stronger!
please contact +886963110478 (Tel and LINE ID)
照片: 费城茶杯贵宾犬- 幼隆名犬国际直送
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